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Master's Degree in Restaurant Innovation and Management

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We foster leadership in global and innovative gastronomic projects.

Managing a restaurant extends far beyond mere organization. It involves the assertive management of a territory and a deep understanding of environmental dynamics. This, in turn, enables individuals to develop their unique leadership model while staying attuned to industry trends and influences. Our program provides students with the essential knowledge to proficiently oversee all facets of restaurant management, including culinary offerings, customer service, marketing, and financial operations. Our team of active experts, spanning various disciplines such as strategic management, finance, marketing, and more, will share their expertise and insights, preparing students to excel in the restaurant industry and lead their establishments.


  • Start Date: October 2025
  • Number of Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Part-Time On-Site Format
  • Duration: 12 months in total
    • 9 months of on-site training (October to June)
    • 3 months of external internships (July to October)
  • Schedule: 
    • Mondays from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM and Tuesdays from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM (CEST)
  • 26 Spots Available
  • Master's Degree Awarded by MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA and Delivered by the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences at Basque Culinary Center
  • For inquiries and more information, contact us at


  • Provide comprehensive and up-to-date training in restaurant management, encompassing areas such as culinary offerings, customer service, marketing, and financial management.
  • Equip participants with the tools necessary to optimize restaurant operations and profitability, contributing to business success and sustainability.
  • Foster practical learning through real-life cases, challenging tasks, gastronomic activities, and networking with prominent industry professionals.
  • Offer personalized guidance through expert mentors to guide and ensure the viability of participants' gastronomic projects.
  • Develop a global and innovative perspective in participants, enabling them to create profitable and sustainable business models in the field of gastronomy.


We understand that professional opportunities can vary based on geographical location and individual preferences. However, with this program, participants can assume roles and functions in the following positions and fields:

  • Restaurant Management: Graduates can hold management positions in restaurants, whether as managers, operations directors, or headwaiters, applying their acquired skills to resource optimization and enhancing the customer experience.
  • Gastronomic Entrepreneurship: Those with an entrepreneurial spirit can create and manage their gastronomic businesses, from conceptualizing innovative culinary concepts to overseeing restaurant and hospitality operations.
  • Gastronomic Consultancy: Professionals can offer consulting services in the hospitality and restaurant sector, advising other businesses on strategy, marketing, personnel management, and process improvement.
  • Food and Beverage Management: This Master's program prepares graduates to assume management positions in hotels, resorts, and food and beverage-related businesses, where they can effectively manage culinary offerings and customer service.
  • Gastronomic and Institutional Organizations: Graduates may find opportunities in organizations and associations focused on promoting gastronomy and enotourism, as well as in government institutions that regulate the food industry.
  • Teaching and Research: Those who wish to share their knowledge can pursue careers in teaching and research at educational institutions and gastronomic research centers, contributing to the industry's advancement.



10+1 Reasons



You will receive the necessary training to professionalize your business management.

You, if your business is still a project, will be able to mature your idea and refine it.

You will discover the keys to optimizing your restaurant's operation and profitability.

You will have the support of expert mentors to guide your project and ensure its viability.

You will learn from accomplished professors specialized in the sector with access to personalized tutoring.


You will learn from practical cases presented by active industry professionals, with whom you'll share experiences in an open, dynamic, and approachable format.

You will build concrete relationships with other professionals who share a desire for improvement, innovation, and creating new business opportunities.

You can balance your learning with your current job.

You will uncover the latest trends in business models and receive insights to create profitable and sustainable formats.

You will gain the keys to ensuring the success and viability of new projects.



The Master's program is aimed at individuals with the following profiles:

  • Hospitality and restaurant professionals looking to qualitatively boost their careers by enhancing their experience with management and innovation knowledge.
  • Hospitality business managers and owners motivated by transformation and the creation of new business models to improve profitability and sustainability.
  • Entrepreneurs with backgrounds in other fields interested in developing gastronomic projects or specializing in restaurant management, leveraging current market trends.
  • Individuals with gastronomy and hospitality training aiming to specialize in restaurant management and innovation, whether for their projects or to contribute to the success of others.
  • Professionals from any field dreaming of opening their restaurant in the future and wishing to gain the necessary skills for success.

If your profile doesn't match the ones listed but you're interested in the Master's, don't hesitate to apply. We'll consider your training and experience and get in touch with you.


Module 1: Strategic Management and Competitiveness in the Restaurant Sector 

  • Competitive Strategy
  • Marketing and Digitalization
  • Human Resource Management
  • Financial Management
  • 360º Sustainability

Module 2: Ideation, Design, and Implementation of Gastronomic Offerings 

  • Gastronomic Trends
  • Introduction to Sensory Analysis
  • Design of Gastronomic Concepts
  • Gastronomic Offerings and Menus
  • Design Introduction to Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Deferred Cooking, Cold Line
  • Purchasing Processes in Restaurant Management
  • Process Management and Organization
  • Food Quality Systems

Module 3: Innovation and Creativity Management 

  • Trends and a Plural Vision of Innovation
  • Types of Innovation in Management Managing
  • Inspiration Conceptualization
  • Process Innovation in Food & Beverage
  • Innovation in Management and Business Models
  • Gastroexperience
  • Creativity as a Technique and Concept
  • Cross-Cutting Innovation

Module 4: Designing the Customer Experience and Service 

  • The Role of the Dining Area
  • The World of Beverages

Module 5: Master's Thesis 

You will put into practice the knowledge acquired by developing a project based on the viability plan of a restaurant (either new or already in operation) with personalized guidance from an expert. The project will be presented in two phases: an initial partial phase and a project defense before a panel of experts.

Module 6: External Curricular Internships

Internships can be completed both nationally and internationally in establishments such as restaurants, hotels, consulting firms, etc. They provide a unique opportunity to gain real-world experience, apply what you have learned, and acquire new professional knowledge and skills.


  • Total Duration: 12 months
  • Number of Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Academic Period: october 2025 to May 2026
  • Schedule: mondays from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm and Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm (CEST)
  • Curricular Internships: june to september 2026 (3 months)




The Master's program is delivered using the "learning by doing" methodology, which is based on the idea that the best way to learn is through practical experience and direct action. Instead of focusing solely on theory and passive instruction, this methodology promotes active participation in practical activities and real projects as a means for students to acquire knowledge and skills.

The program is conducted in a face-to-face format on Mondays and Tuesdays, allowing students to balance the program with their work responsibilities. It includes:

  • Masterclasses and seminars delivered by renowned experts who provide firsthand insights into successful models and experiences.
  • Practical cases and challenging assignments proposed by recognized professionals in the field. In previous editions, we've had prominent experts from the sector such as Eneko Atxa, Francis Paniego from Hotel Echaurren, and El Celler de Can Roca.
  • Team activities, dynamics, and exercises.
  • Gastronomic activities, including tastings, workshops, and other culinary-related events.
  • Learning journeys: gastronomic activities and learning visits that contextualize the subject matter in places of interest and various business models.
  • Networking sessions where national and international guests of reference will share their experiences, allowing you to gain firsthand knowledge of the best current business models.

Teachers and guests

Learn from Accomplished Industry Experts!

You will have the opportunity to learn from accomplished professionals in the field, recognized for their academic, intellectual, social influence, and impactful contributions.The program boasts a faculty panel composed of seasoned culinary experts with specialized knowledge in the realm of sweet Gastronomy.



Adela Balderas

Adela Balderas, Ph.D. in Business Administration and director of the Master's in Innovation and Restaurant Management at Basque Culinary Center, is a professional with a distinguished international career. With training in Coaching from New York University and Stanford University, Adela has been a researcher in tourism and management, a trainer for international and national companies, a mentor for entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, and a guest lecturer at various universities in different countries, including Germany, France, China, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland. Adela shared her vision on the exciting moment of change in team management in the field of gastronomy in Gastronomy 360. She advocates for the shift from a "command and control" approach to compensation processes that promote essential working conditions and meaningful labor relations. Her experience as the author of "Reinvent Your Leadership: 12 Keys to Managing Teams" allows her to offer valuable insights on how to make the time invested in a project meaningful and rewarding.


  1. Enrique Lezcano: Interim Corporate Director of Food & Beverages (F&B), Chef, and Restaurateur. Founding Member of the Top Club of Food and Beverages in Hotels. Former Corporate Director of Food & Beverages at Meliá Hotels International.
  2. Marta Fernández Guadaño: Economist with 15 years of experience in economic journalism and the last 12 years focused on gastronomic journalism. Creator of Gastroeconomy, a portal for business gastronomy information and culinary trends. Independent journalist for various media.
  3. Eduardo Serrano: President of AIDABE - Ibero-American Association of Food and Beverage Directors, Hotel and Food Service Company Director. MBA in Business Administration, specialized in Strategic Planning and Creative Thinking. With over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur, executive, consultant, researcher, and speaker in the leisure, tourism, hospitality, and restaurant industries, both nationally and internationally.
  4. Dr. Jesús Alcoba: Director of La Salle Business School in Madrid. Ph.D. in Strategy, completed his MBA in Madrid and New York. He also holds a master's degree in Psychology and Coaching. Member of the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA).
  5. Daniela Goicoechea: Businesswoman, former CMO of Goiko Grill, and co-founder of the marketing consultancy Brandcrops.
  6. Diego Coquillat: Director of the digital newspaper CEO of Consultant, speaker, and owner of the restaurant El Rancho Madrid. Professor at several universities. His latest published books are “A new era in restaurants” and “The digital transformation in restaurants.”
  7. Dr. Carlos Escario: Entrepreneur, executive in global companies, executive coach, and consultant. Adjunct professor at the IESE Business School and the University of Notre Dame in the USA.
  8. Xabier Gutiérrez: Psychologist, cook, writer, and dreamer. Since 1990, he has directed the Research and Innovation laboratory of the Arzak Restaurant.
  9. César Pérez: Director of Quality at NH Hotel Group Spain, Portugal, and Andorra. César is currently the President of the "Customer Experience Community" of the Spanish Association for Quality.
  10. Ana Escobar: President and Executive Director of Acción y Comunicación, a communication and Public Relations agency specialized in gastronomy, oenology, and lifestyle since 1994.

Fees / Grants

The total cost of the master's program is 11.580 €, which will be paid as follows:

  • 150 € upon application (fully refundable in case of non-admission).
  • 2.857,5 € upon confirmation of admission as a reservation fee.
  • The remaining amount will be paid in 3 installments of 2.857,5 € in October, December, and February.

The price includes:

  • Academic materials
  • Educational visits (destination transportation, visit management, and full board accommodation).
  • Sessions with guest experts and speakers.
  • Management of curricular internships.
  • Issuance and delivery of the degree.
  • Enrollment in the Bculinary Alumni service.



1 Pre- Registration

Interested students should make the online registration and pay the registration fee.
In addition, the following documentation should be sent to 
 •   The Curriculum Vitae.
 •   1 passport size photo.
 •   Photocopy of the DNI or passport.
 •   Letter of motivation, explaining the student's interest in this educational programme.

2 To complete the different steps of the selection process 

Step 1: Accreditation of education and experience
The Selection Board will assess:
  The training in the fields of restaurants/catering
  The professional experience in restaurants/catering
For entrepreneurs with no catering experience the following will be assessed:
  Education and training
  Professional experience
Any documentation to support the commitment of the candidate to the creation of a new gastronomy project.
Step 2: Contrasting Interview (via Meet)
The Selection Board will individually interview candidates who have completed step 1 in order to assess their specific knowledge, discuss the information provided and the educational concerns of the candidate.
Step 3: Assessment of Personal Aptitudes and Motivation 
The Selection Board will assess the motivation and personal aptitudes of the candidates that will enable them to successfully complete this training programme. The personal statement supplied will be taken into account for this purpose.
Once the three steps of the selection process have been completed, candidates will be awarded a final mark. The 20 candidates with the highest marks will be admitted.

3 Payment of the reservation fee

Candidates who complete the process will be informed of their results indicating whether they have been admitted or placed on the reserve list.
Candidates who have been admitted will be asked to pay the reservation fee before formalising the registration.
It is important to emphasise that:
    The period for registration will remain open until all places have been allocated. The maximum number of students to be admitted is 20.
    A first selection of applications will take place from the opening of the registration period until the end of July. Successful applicants will be notified as and when the Board completes their assessments.
    Replies to applications received after that date will be sent as soon as practical.
    In the case of foreign students, the letter of acceptance and all other information necessary to apply for visas will be supplied to successful candidates once they have paid the confirmation of registration fee.


Enquiries and further information from:



Culinary House

Livensa Living San Sebastian is located in the neighborhood of Ibaeta, in a quiet area and a step away from Tolosa Avenue that leads to Ondarreta beach. It is an accommodation that takes care of all the details and is designed to make you feel at home during your stay in Donostia-San Sebastian. It has spaces to relax and share time in company.

Features to highlight:

  • Single rooms with full kitchen and private bathroom
  • Laundry
  • Gym
  • Common kitchens or "txokos".
  • Leisure areas: living room, games room, cinema room, etc.
  • Music rehearsal rooms
  • Co-working spaces
  • Private parking

Take advantage of the preferential rates for Basque Culinary Center students.

More information about accommodation here



These types of residence are small and have restricted entrance times. The rooms can be single or double and they do not always have an ensuite bathroom. Those that offer full board may not offer all the meals at weekends. Admission to these residences entails a personal interview with the families.

The prices given below are approximate.

Camino de S. Bartolomé, 24
Tel 943 464795
Regimen full board
Precio aproximado €625/month
Avda. Gral. Zumalakarregi, 11
Tel 943 210800
Regimen full board
Precio aproximado €580-€615/month
Residents must leave the residence at weekends with the exception of examination periods.
Paseo de la Fe, 34
Tel 943 456072
Regimen full board
Precio aproximado €350-€490
Paseo de Heriz, 95
Tel 943 210866
Regimen half board or full board
Precio aproximado from €450 to €590/month
No se ofrecen comidas durante el fin de semana aunque hay una cocina a disposición de las residentes.
Ilumbe, 8
Tel 943 456600
Regimen full board
Precio aproximado €540-€605/month
C/ Aldapeta, 49
Tel 616 369 815
Regimen Pensión completa
Precio aproximado 932€/mes
No hay cocinas disponibles para las residentes pero las estudiantes de BCC podrán realizar prácticas de cocina.
Paseo de Ayete, 25
Tel 943 242400
Regimen pensión completa
Precio aproximado 370€
El precio del alojamiento y pensión se costea trabajando en el servicio de alimentación. Admisión mediante entrevista.
Pº Ayete, 25
Tel 943 21000
Regimen Pensión Completa
Precio aproximado 1.055€/mes
Pº Maddalen Jauregiberri,2
Tel 943 454400
Regimen habitación y desayuno
Precio aproximado 320€-380€/mes


These are mixed and are larger than the religious residences. As a general rule, they do not have entrance times.

Paseo de Miramón, 162
Tel (+34) 943 56 91 28
Regimen acommodation in studio with fully furnished kitchen and private bathroom
Precio aproximado desde 600€ hasta 880€/mes
A tan solo un paso de Basque Culinary Center. Instalaciones equipadas con un amplio espacio de cocina dedicado a prácticas culinarias, salas de estudio, gimnasio y zona lounge para socializar con otros residentes.
Pº Ondarreta, 24
Tel 943 003300
Regimen alojamiento y desayuno, media pensión o pensión completa
Precio aproximado desde 498€ hasta 1.090€/mes
El precio incluye la limpieza del uniforme de cocina. No hay cocinas disponibles para los residentes aunque los estudiantes de BCC podrán hacer prácticas de cocina en un espacio debidamente equipado para ello.
Pº Berio, 9
Tel 943 563000
Regimen alojamiento
Precio aproximado desde 403€ hasta 690€/mes
Residencia de la Universidad de País Vasco; alojan prioritariamente a los estudiantes de la UPV pero pueden tener plazas disponibles desde la reciente ampliación.


Prior authorisation from interested parties, the BCC Students'Office favours contact among admitted students so that they can organise themselves to share flats. Traditionally, students have created groups in social media to contact each other. The BCC also informs students about rented flat offers that the owners send us.
The average price per student in a shared flat in Donostia-San Sebastian is around €300 per month.

Procedures before travelling

Students from European Union member countries, Norway, Switzerland. Liechtenstein and Iceland will not require a visa to reside in Spain.

Other international students will have to request a long-term student visa which will allow them to reside in Spain for a period longer than 180 days.

Visas should be requested from, and issued by the Diplomatic Missions and Spanish Consul Offices abroad.  It is important to obtain information on the required documentation and gather it as soon as possible, since the relevant authorities may take up to two months to notify that visas will be granted.

Once students have arrived in Donostia-San Sebastian, they have one month from the time of their arrival to request the foreign students’ card at the Foreign Residents Office in Donostia-San Sebastian. The students’ office of the BCC will provide the necessary information to students in this matter.

Sport service

Through the MU Sports Service, students can access team sports as well as individual sporting activities and Group trips (weekend skiing, surfing trips….).

Donostia-San Sebastian also has an extensive offer of municipal sporting facilities. The Kirol Txartela (sport card) permits access to all the city’s municipal facilities at a very economical price. For more information, go to the following link.


Cost of living info

Information on the COST OF LIVING in San Sebastian is given below:


The best way to move around the city is with the network of urban buses. The company which provides this service is Compañia del Tranvia de Donostia-San Sebastian.

Their web page contains all information on routes, timetables and tariffs. The web page also enables the calculation of the bus route between two points and its estimated duration.

Students can benefit from monthly season tickets which reduce the cost of travelling by bus.

Shopping Basket

Donostia-San Sebastian offers accommodation in student residences. It is advisable that those interested in this type of accommodation make their reservation as soon as possible.

A document containing information on some of the residences in the city can be found below.

Download: Accommodation in San Sebastian

Donostia - San Sebastián

Donostia-San Sebastian is the administrative capital of Gipuzkoa, one of the territories that integrates the Basque Country. There are two official languages: Spanish and Basque.

On the banks of the Bay of Biscay,, Donostia-San Sebastián is a small town within a natural framework of incomparable beauty. A holiday destination for monarchs and nobles during the Belle Epoque, Donostia-San Sebastian arose as a lordly city where tradition and modernity exist side by side.

Images courtesy of San Sebastian Tourism
If there is something that can compete with its spectacular beauty that is its gastronomy: cradle of the “new Basque cuisine”, Mecca of culinary avant-garde and the world capital of the pintxo, Donostia-San Sebastian is the city with the most Michelin stars per square metres in the world. The importance of its restaurants, its famous gastronomic societies and the quality of its raw material convert Donostia-San Sebastian into a gastronomic reference in the world. Not in vain, the British magazine, “Which”, chose Donostia-San Sebastian as the best gastronomic destination in the world.

Over the last few years, innovation and sustainability have been the two main pillars for the development of Donostia-San Sebastian, which has fostered an ideal city of pedestrians and bicycles.

Images courtesy of San Sebastian Tourism
  • Because in Donostia-San Sebastian, as in the rest of the Basque Country, gastronomy forms part of society and good food is present at any event and celebration. Donostia-San Sebastian, a city of 185,000 inhabitants, has 120 gastronomic societies.
  • Because four of the eight restaurants with three Michelin stars in Spain are in the Basque Country, three of them in Donostia-San Sebastian.
  • Because of its cultural offer, which includes internationally renowned film and jazz festivals. Donostia-San Sebastian has been named as European Capital of Culture for 2016.
  • Due to its beaches, ideal for practicing surf all year round.
  • Due to its mountains, just 2.5 hours from the Pyrenees.
  • Because it is a safe, accessible and welcoming city.

Images courtesy of San Sebastian Tourism
Donostia-San Sebastian is connected to the main Spanish cities by bus, train and plane.

The airport of Donostia-San Sebastian is 20 kilometres from the city. It is a small airport with direct flights from Madrid and Barcelona. It has a bus service to the city centre.

The international airport of Bilbao is one hour from Donostia-San Sebastian, and it is connected to the city with a frequent bus service from the actual airport.

The international airport of Biarritz is 45 minutes away although it only offers a direct bus to Donostia-San Sebastian once a day.
   Bilbao – 99 km
   Biarritz – 50 km
   Madrid – 450 km
   Barcelona – 570 km

donostia Images courtesy of San Sebastian Tourism

BCC Students

During their study years, BCC students will have access to the BCC Student APP. Through this APP students will be informed about grants and scholarships, job opportunities, extracurricular learning opportunities, events, invitations to exclusive Master Classes... They will also be informed on student discounts, BCC Cafeteria or Restaurant reservations, transportation, etc.



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