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Associate Professor/Doctor for the Science Department

27 July 2020


The Basque Culinary Center needs to recruit teaching staff for its education programmes. We are looking for professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in their sector, with the capacity to learn, reflect on and identify future challenges in their profession. They should display autonomy, leadership qualities and the ability to work as a team.

Along with the other teaching staff in the department, the postholder will be responsible for the design, development and teaching of subjects related to IT and statistics, including both theoretical and practical aspects.


Applicants must have experience of software specific to the gastronomy and hospitality sector, IT applications related to electronic trade and marketing, content publication and dissemination, the Internet, social networks and e-portfolio. Experience also required of software for financial management, commercial management, HR and document management.

In addition, applicants must have experience in statistics applied to R&D which provides students with tools for studying statistics from a scientific/technical perspective, enabling them to develop their ability to analyse and interpret datasets: descriptive statistics databases, basic regression principles, interpreting results obtained by taking into account the initial hypothesis for various statistical tests, developing experiment design, reducing the dimensionality of datasets, analysing multivariate data based on the given data and objectives, use of statistics software packages (R-Studio).

Teaching will take place throughout the 2019-20 session.


Qualification: PhD
Training experience (regulated or non-regulated)
Knowledge and experience of management technologies
Languages: Basque and English


Scientific-technical profile with experience in projects linked to gastronomy and culinary sciences

If you want to register for the job offer, please attach your CV (PDF or Word), which should include your contact information so that we can get in touch with you.

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Responder a una oferta laboral supondrá incluir sus datos personales en un fichero automatizado y manual titularidad de Basque Culinary Center Fundazioa (en adelante, BCCF) con C.I.F. nº G-20998100, con dirección en Pº Juan Avelino Barriola, 101, (20009), Donostia San Sebastián Gipuzkoa.

Estos datos serán utilizados con la finalidad de elaborar su perfil profesional y serán conservados indefinidamente en el referido fichero para hacerle participar en los procesos de selección de personal realizados por BCCF sin perjuicio de sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición que podrá ejercitar en todo momento en la siguiente dirección: Pº Juan Avelino Barriola, 101, (20009), Donostia San Sebastián Gipuzkoa.

Ud. consiente expresamente que sus datos  identificativos y profesionales puedan ser cedidos a aquellas entidades públicas o privadas que soliciten a BCCF su perfil profesional, con la intención de realizar su contratación.

Si no estuviera conforme con alguno de los puntos señalados anteriormente, le rogamos nos lo comunique en el plazo de treinta días desde la fecha de envío. De otro modo, entenderemos que muestra su conformidad al respecto. Asimismo, en el supuesto de producirse alguna modificación en sus datos, le rogamos nos lo comunique debidamente en la dirección indicada.

Sin otro particular y agradeciéndole la confianza depositada en nuestra entidad, reciba un cordial saludo.

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